How to Know When It’s Time for a Crane

Every year, many workers suffer avoidable injuries because of seemingly negligible strain. We don’t often think of simple, repetitive work as being especially hazardous, but it can be more dangerous than we realize. Repetitive Strain Injuries, or RSIs, can be caused by any task that requires a worker to perform the same motion many times,…

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Para la mayoría de las operaciones de fabricación el objetivo es relativamente simple: desarrollar un sistema de fabricación ágil que simplifique la producción y garantice que el trabajo, los materiales y la información fluya sin inconvenientes. En el mundo de las plantas de fabricación el viejo adagio resulta cierto: el tiempo realmente es dinero. Entonces,…

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Standards and Principles to Follow for Crane Inspections

When considering crane inspection, one of the most basic questions to ask is: what rules and standards do I follow? The answer might seem simple at first. It might seem like the natural answer would be OSHA, specifically OSHA 1910.179 Overhead and Gantry Cranes. This answer certainly isn’t wrong, but it isn’t the whole story…

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Un sinnúmero de compañías en las industrias de la fabricación y la construcción confían en grúas aéreas para levantar y transportar materiales. Cuando se instala y usa adecuadamente, estos sistemas hacen que las operaciones sean más sencillas y seguras. Sin embargo, los accidentes con grúas aéreas ocasionan lesiones graves y fatalidades todos los años. Prevenir…

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Enclosed Track VS Patented Track

Enclosed Track and Patented Track Comparison Many modern overhead bridge cranes with capacities from 250 pounds to several tons use one of two types of track for hoist trolley-travel: enclosed track or patented track. Enclosed track is a type of rail that is formed into a hollow tube with an opening on the bottom. The…

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OSHA Stand-Down for Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 2019 National Safety Stand-Down takes place May 6-10. The Safety Stand-Down is a voluntary event for employers and employees to talk directly about safety. Employers can hold Stand-Down events by taking a break in the workday to discuss fall hazards and the importance of fall prevention, as well…

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Wire Rope Sling Inspection

Using wire rope slings is one of the most reliable ways to secure a load to lifting equipment. Wire rope slings are light, strong, and durable, and they can be used in a variety of ways for many different kinds of lifts. Because crane operators rely on wire rope slings for so many lifting operations,…

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The Disconnect Between Management and Employees Regarding Safety

Material handling operations can involve potentially hazardous conditions, and they require safety programs to eliminate risk factors. For a safety program to be effective within a facility, employees and managers have to be on the same page regarding safety expectations. Unfortunately, employees and managers don’t always see eye-to-eye, but that isn’t always the sole responsibility…

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The Dangers of Side Loading

Overhead cranes can help make material handling operations much safer than other methods of lifting heavy objects. They can alleviate the need for manual lifting, which can protect workers from strains and lift-related injuries. They can also replace other types of lifting equipment, such as forklifts, that aren’t specifically designed for material handling. Overhead cranes…

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Industrial Cranes and What They Do

The world of cranes is huge; while many cranes are used in different types of large construction projects, many other cranes are used every day in a huge variety of industries. With so many different applications, there are also many different kinds of cranes that are all designed for specific jobs and functions. Cranes are…

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