Workstation Bridge Crane Provides Maintenance Shop With Lifting Versatility and Added Efficiency
A long time John Deere dealer located in the Northeast carries a full line of lawn and garden equipment, commercial mowing equipment, and light industrial and agricultural equipment. In addition to selling these products, the location also operates a maintenance and repair shop. The shop works on transmissions and motor decks, and does a lot of tire mountings for large commercial or farm tractors.
Some of the common maintenance tasks performed on the tractors require repeated heavy lifting. One job might involve installing front-loading buckets or large calcium filled tractor tires that can weigh as much as 800 pounds. The shop manager attempted to resolve the problem by mounting an I-beam on the wall. In combination with a hoist, the setup functioned as a jib crane. This required workers to move the tractor they were servicing over to the makeshift jib crane. While it helped to alleviate the problem for a short time, workers eventually began to complain that the process was becoming cumbersome and ineffective. In addition, the shop was quickly running out of space. Trying to change out a large tire or install a bucket in such a small work area was difficult and time consuming.
The shop manager began searching for a more effective material handling solution and eventually contacted a local Spanco dealer. He explained that they wanted to mount something to their existing structure without having to dig any foundations. After evaluating their maintenance facility, the dealer recommended a ceiling mounted workstation bridge crane from Spanco. The ceiling mounted bridge crane was the perfect solution to provide the entire shop with a rectangular lifting coverage area that was diverse enough to meet their needs.
After installing the ceiling mounted workstation bridge crane from Spanco, the maintenance shop is very pleased with the added flexibility and convenience it provides. According to the shop manager, the Spanco Workstation Bridge Crane has “completely lived up to all of their expectations.” Their new system allows them to tackle large maintenance tasks—like installing front-loading tractor buckets—quickly and easily. The crane allows the buckets to be detached and moved away from the tractor without having to actually move the tractor itself. Shop workers use the crane every day, and the dealership owner strongly believes that the crane has doubled their efficiency.